Welcome to
Lewis Beefmasters
A 5th Generation Beefmaster Ranch
Welcome to Lewis Beefmasters, a fifth generation breeding program concentrating on production and quality. Since the 1950’s the Lewis family has been involved with Beefmaster cattle. It started with a Beefmaster bull on commercial cattle - that was the best calf crop E.A. Lewis had ever raised. In the early 1960’s Kenneth Lewis, E.A. Lewis’ son, got out of the army and along with wife Patsy bought a small herd of certified Beefmaster cattle from Kerrville, Texas. They began upgrading their cattle. E.A. Lewis began giving Larry, his grandson, heifers when he was about ten years old. Larry showed a heifer in 1974 at the East Texas Fair as an American breed because he was the only Beefmaster in the show. Larry and Rhonda met in the early 1980's while attending Texas A&M University, married, and began putting their own Beefmaster herd together. They became interested in the junior Beefmaster program, and by the early 1990's both Luke and Abby were fully involved in the Junior Beefmaster Breeders Association.
LEWIS BEEFMASTERS is a small family owned and operated herd concentrating on productive quality cattle that will work in any breeding program
A couple of years later the herd was transferred into Luke and Abby’s names and they became the fourth generation of Lewis Beefmasters. The family continued to work on improving their cattle which helped Luke and Abby do well in JBBA and other state shows. To date they have produced two National Champions, two Reserve National Champions, a National Champion Bred and Owned and a Reserve National Champion Bred and Owned. The one thing Luke and Abby are the most proud of is producing five JBBA Champion Pairs at the National Shows. These champions along with many other outstanding retired show cattle are currently working in the herd. Lewis Beefmasters is a small family owned and operated herd concentrating on productive quality cattle that will work in any breeding program.
We invite you to stop by if you're in the area!
We'll be glad to show our herd.
We'll be glad to show our herd.